Saturday, January 25, 2014

A "Not-So-Great" Cruise Vacation...

Piggybacking on my last post, all cruises should not be painted with the same brush. There are huge differences between cruise lines, cruise ships and itineraries. 

A client of our travel agency just returned from a cruise vacation a bit less than pleased. They have enjoyed a couple cruises in the past and have loved the experiences. This one? Not so much.

Having previously sailed on 1,500 to 1,800 passenger ships of a cruise line that we feel good about selling, this trip was on a 3,000 passenger ship of a line that we don't typically recommend. They said the service was slow and not nearly as cordial as with their previous cruises. And, the dining was - well, let's just say that the Buffets were the best part of their dining all week.

These clients had specifically asked for the ship & line they went on. Our mistake was that we assumed that they knew what they wanted. Rather than trying to persuade them to consider other choices, we "took their order". 

They stressed that they had a good time and that, all in all, they had a nice vacation. Their final comment in telling us about the pro's and con's of this experience was that, "we learned that 1,500 passenger ships are much better than mega-liners that are twice that size". They now believe that maintaining quality food and personal service on these floating islands is impossible. We agree, but need to point out that some cruise lines are more capable than others. 

People rely upon travel professionals to guide them to the best choice and the best value. This time, we didn't perform to our own expectations.


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