Friday, August 12, 2011

Travel Writers are Dinks (part 4)

Occasionally, I read one of those ubiquitous "Travel Tips" articles that pop up on a daily basis - just to get a few laughs.

Most of them belabor the obvious and seem to show that they think their readers are about 4 years old! Today's case in point: "Ten Tips for Smoother Trips" imparts such wisdom as:
  • Park with your car's nose out.
  • Don't pack urgent items in your checked luggage.
  • Have your hotel contact information with you.
  • If you travel to a given foreign country frequently, keep your leftover currency on hand for future visits.
  • Don't forget to tip Skycaps. They depend on tips to make their living.
  • Remember your flight number.
Think I'm making this up or embellishing it? Well, I'm not - sadly!
These people actually get paid for writing this crap!

Happy Traveling!
