Saturday, May 01, 2010

On-Line Travel Booking is FUN!

A speaker at an annual Travel Industry Conference in Las Vegas asked the room full of agency owners and managers why people book their trips on-line. We came up with several theories which all seemed to point back to a common theme: Because they think it's cheaper. We were all "close, but no cigar". At least according to this market research analyst.

He said their findings conclude that they do so because it's fun! Well, you could have heard a pin drop in the room! To travel professionals who spend 40 to 50 hours a week doing this for a living, it is anything but fun. I started to think through some of our experiences...

A close relative who buys everything on-line including meat and tropical fish called me a year ago as he was researching a cruise vacation for 2 couples. They settled upon a great deal on a given Princess sailing. We checked into it and found a price that was $172 per person lower for the very same cabins! In addition, through our affiliation with, each couple got a complimentary bottle of wine and two plush robes to take home.

Last week he emailed me again... this time because he had just discovered that airfares have risen considerably. Best he could find to Fort Myers or Tampa for a week at their timeshare in December was $537 per person. We found and booked them on an air & car package for $496 per person including a luxury class car for the week!

Maybe you can buy commodities such as tropical fish or DVD's cheaper online but travel is NOT cheaper on the net. The net is great for "kicking tires"... we all look around online. But, our mantra is "Look, but Don't Book"!!!!!!



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