Here's some free advice for those who enjoy combing the websites for their vacation package...
There are many perils to on-line booking unless you absolutely know the destination and the resort from from personal RECENT experience. So, if you are going to shop for yourself, here are some things be mindful of:
First, do you know WHERE you want to go? We've seen so many instances of people going to an absolutely wrong destination for their personal interests and lifestyle.
Second, (assuming you have chosen the right destination) different resorts (or cruise lines) may "look" similar on the websites but there are distinct differences in their ambiance, their quality and their clientele. These can make or break your vacation experience!
Third, trusting the pictures and information found on web sites can be a fatal mistake. Photoshopped pictures, very old pictures, bogus testimonials on Trip Advisor and other such sites and deceptive pricing are the major areas of concern.
For more detail, here is a paper I wrote on this subject.
Go ahead and have fun searching... but then, why not enlist a travel professional to review your selection before you hit the "Buy" button. 99% of the time, they will be able to book the very same vacation for you at the same price - and no additional charges. Some agencies now provide a "Trip Validation Service". For a nominal Advisory Fee (my agency charges $75), they will "validate" that you have made a correct choice - and that the price shown is valid (no tricks or hidden charges). With a professional opinion supporting your selection, you can go ahead and "Buy" with confidence.
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